Thank you for yet another issue of Channel Z. Issue 4 was certainly
the best yet. First of all, the menu system. Although a point and click system would be better than the old system, the presentation leaves a lot to be desired. The old system looks a lot better and so I think you should stick with that until you find a more presentable mouse driven system.
Enclosed is a disk of things I thought you might like to look at.
Included are a couple of pictures drawn by myself. One is in 16 colours and is my very late entry to the Channel Z logo comp. The other is a 256 colour picture of a future city.
Also there is a more up-to-date version of Viewtek, version 2 to be precise. I have found that this works faster than old versions. Lastly there is a review of Skidmarks for the review section of the magazine. I hope it is acceptable.
Also find enclosed a cheque for £12 for a years subscription and some Public Domain Disks.
I look forward to the PD disk and the next Issue in Suspense, with anticipation, optimistic, tantalized, on tenderhooks, sanguine, apprehensive and anxious.
Yours sincerely
Thanks for the letter Alex and also for the subscription, your points on the menu system have been noted. You will also find that I have made use of your Late entry into the competition in this Issue!
Dear Daz,
Hi! How ya doin'! Nice to see you at the show on Monday! (4/4/94).
First your menu's, you asked for my opinion, well here it is.......
Stick to the picture and keymaps! I think it looks far nicer than
a boring old point and click menu system anyday!
I also have some questions for you [SEE Q+A SECTION FOR THIS BIT - ED]
I hope you can sort them out for me.
I've included a Postal Order for £4.00 for Issues 5 and 6 of CHANNEL Z
and look forward to receiving them when they are ready!
Bye for now.
Tony Washington
Well Tony, I've done my best to answer your questions for you, you will find them in the Q + A section from the main menu. Have fun!!!!
Dear Darren,
1. I like the mouse driven menu.
2. I like the mag on two disks
3. I like the price of the mag (please don't put the price up!)
4. I like the varied amount of Utils + Pictures + Articles in the mag
5. I like the subscription rates (I include a cheque for 6 months subs
6. Was that really YOU at the show in Blackpool or was it an imposter?
Alan Bamford
Dear Alan
1. Noted.
2. It will stay on two disks.
3. I wont.
4. Good, I try and put a bit of everything on.
5. Thanks!
6. Yes it was really ME at the show!
Dear Mr.Busby
First of all may I thank you for sending my order so quickly.
I have ordered disks from many Public Domain Libraries, but I have had to wait about a week to get my disks!
I don't know how you did it, but I ordered Issues 3 and 4 on Monday and I received them on Wednesday!
Secondly, I think that the mouse menu system is OK, but it looks a little bland. I prefer to use the keys when selecting things + I liked
the little pictures at the top of the menu screen.
Please also find enclosed a cheque for 6 months Subscription, starting with Issue 5.
Thanks again for a wonderful diskmag!!!!
Mr. D Adamson
Well, I'm glad you were surprised in the speed of my deliveries!
The secret is that I dispatch ALL orders on the very same MORNING that
I receive them on!
Dear Mr.Busby
I'm running a PD-Library so I would like you to put me on your mailing
list, please. I got the first two Issues of Channel Z from another library here in Sweden but it seems like they have stopped selling it.
In this letter I'm also including two AGA-Demos, Noxious "Beyond Belief - When Intel's not enough" and a demo that I don't know the name of. Unfortunalty the texts in the latter one is in French, but there isn't any scrolls or stuff like that, just some info's about A1200. Probably it's a demo for computerstores etc. I'll hope you'll
enjoy the demos!
Henrik Granfalt
N. Kyrkv. 16
693 70 Atorp
Thanks for the letter Henrik, its nice to here that Channel Z is spreading round the globe! I have included your Full Name and Address
above, so that if there is anyone out there in SWEDEN that is having
difficulty getting the Mag, they will know where it is available!